UN publishes report on world sewage water condition

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UN publishes report on world sewage water condition 22.03.2017 20:00

United Nations Organisation published an annual report on water resources development. 2017 annual report was titled “Sewage water: unutilised resource”.


The title of the report reflects an important role that sewage water can play in the context of circular economy. The document describes advancement of water resources management as a source of social, ecological and economic wealth that is necessary for sustainable development.


The report on world sewage water condition demonstrates that development of water disposal and sewage treatment implies not only reduction of waste but also sewage water decontamination, repeated utilisation and waste and byproducts recycling.


Presently the absolute majority of human activities produce sewage water during water resources utilisation. Since the overall demand for water resources increases, sewage water volume continuously grows as well. Over 80% of sewage water - in some underdeveloped countries over 95% - are disposed of without preliminary purification.


The report’s conclusion that treated sewage water can be utilised repeatedly is aimed at decision makers, national governments, civil society and private sector.


The full report is available at UNESCO web site.


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